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If you need some inspiration to help you get started or complete a particular step or Level, you’ve come to the right place!
Take a look at the amazing evidence uploaded by other schools taking part in the Plastic Clever Schools initiative.
Οι PlaCleSch εν δράσει!Στόχος μας είναι να μειώσουμε τη χρήση
Action -Plastic Free Community
Word of Life Recycle Plastic bottle for reuse. Video Upload:
Action -Plastic Free Community
Word of Life took action, in the community. Plastic Clever
Plastic Pollution Project: School-Wide Plastic Audit To address single-use
Plastic Pollution Project: School-Wide Plastic Audit To address single-use
Plastic Pollution Project: Assembly Success! As part of our commitment
Investigation with the template. PDF Upload: PCSAudit_Greece2024(1)
Making crafts from plastic material
We made the greek alphabet from plastic bottles caps. Also,