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Be Plastic Clever

How to Become a plastic clever school

ella and amy2

Becoming a Plastic Clever School requires a school (staff and pupils) to work together through a short sequence of simple and straight-forward steps to reduce the use of single-use plastic, including, and if possible, eliminating the BIG 4 plastic polluters and/or other common problem plastics.

So, this could be reducing:

All schools that achieve Plastic Clever Status receive a signed book, poster, certificate and window sticker.

Find out more about the awards and prizes on offer.

Join Plastic Clever Schools. 

The Plastic Clever Schools FREE resources (guide/workbook and worksheets) are provided to support schools all the way from registration to achieving Plastic Clever School status.

The steps are described below:

The steps to becoming a plastic clever school

Level 1 – Inspire
Group 12

Learn about plastic pollution and encourage others to take action against single-use plastics in your school.

To complete the Inspire level, you have to submit all 3 pieces of evidence.

Level 2 – Investigate
Group 11

Identify any problem plastics in school and prepare to take action against them.

To complete the Investigate level, you have to submit both pieces of evidence.

Level 3 – Act
Act light blue

Take action to 'swap out' or remove single-use plastics.

To complete the Act level, you have to submit all 3 pieces of evidence.

Now all you have left to do is, join!

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