School Evidence uploads
Work display
If you need some inspiration to help you get started or complete a particular step or Level, you’ve come to the right place!
Take a look at the amazing evidence uploaded by other schools taking part in the Plastic Clever Schools initiative.
Σχέδιο δράσης και καταμέτρηση
Οι PlaCleSch εν δράσει!Στόχος μας είναι να μειώσουμε τη χρήση πλαστικών στο σχολείο μας, ξεκινώντας από την καταγραφή όσων έχουμε
Action -Plastic Free Community
Word of Life Recycle Plastic bottle for reuse. Video Upload: Upload:
Action -Plastic Free Community
Word of Life took action, in the community. Plastic Clever Community. Video Upload: Upload:
Action Plan
As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, our school completed a comprehensive plastic pollution project, aimed at raising awareness
Audit evidence
Plastic Pollution Project: School-Wide Plastic Audit To address single-use plastics in our school, we carried out a thorough plastic
Audit evidence
Plastic Pollution Project: School-Wide Plastic Audit To address single-use plastics in our school, we carried out a thorough plastic
Hosting an assembly
Plastic Pollution Project: Assembly Success! As part of our commitment to tackling plastic pollution and raising awareness, we hosted a
Document Investigation
Investigation with the template. PDF Upload: PCSAudit_Greece2024(1)
Cleaning Garbage
Cleaning school’s yard and searching for plastics. Then, recycle them in the blue bin. Image Upload:
Making crafts from plastic material
We made the greek alphabet from plastic bottles caps. Also, we made animals with plastic bottles caps. Image Upload:
Video- Plastic Clever School
We sung and design a video with all our crafts and our activities for the plastic school day. Video Upload:
school meeting
We ‘ve watched the school meeting and we have planned our activities to save our school from the plastic. Image
Committment Statement
Bottom of Form WORD OF LIFE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SYSTEM Commitment Statement on Plastic Cleaver School/Community We,