2nd Kindergarten of Kalamaria – Step 1 – Inspiration
Students and Teachers of 2nd Kindergarten of Kalamaria – Thessaloniki – Greece, inspire the community and send their message against
Students and Teachers of 2nd Kindergarten of Kalamaria – Thessaloniki – Greece, inspire the community and send their message against
We have thought about the part 1 investigation results. We all set our action plan being glad to do the
2nd Kindergarten of Kalamaria Kindergarten teachers of Section 2, with their students are presenting an art schoolyard corner by plastics
In action against the plastic pollution Outside of the schoolyard our students as little active citizens, collect plastic items in
“Investigate” 2nd Kindergarten of Kalamaria – Thessalonik – Greece How many plastics are there into 4 of our classrooms? A
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