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Heath’s Action Plan

With the Eco Council, we completed our action plan. We wanted to ensure the targets were SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. This makes sure that the action plan is achievable. Our Eco Council already have experience of writing action plans, which helped them immensely with writing this one. Together, identified some problem plastics in the school, but also some things we wanted to continue to do to ensure we are 'plastic clever'. 

We are concerned we may not be able to reduce the plastic from the reception's free milk, but we plan to speak to our supplier to see if they have plastic alternatives. 

We've already worked really hard to reduce our plastic (banning plastic cutlery, cups and glitter!) as part of our Eco Schools work. Our efforts to reduce our plastic helped us to gain 'Distinction' from the Eco Schools' Green Flag Award scheme - which we're very proud of. 

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