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How to upload evidence

How to upload your evidence

Sending us evidence is really easy.


Start by clicking on the MY SCHOOL menu option.

Your school profile page will appear.


Scroll down the page to find the Submit New Evidence  option.

  • The Submit New Evidence form allows you to upload your evidence for approval.There are a few different parts to the this form. Please see the notes below to help you complete and submit the evidence form to the KAP team.

  1. Give your evidence a title
  2. Confirm the Level and Step
  3. Upload a main image for the evidence (optional)
  4. Add photos or videos into your evidence post
  5. Tell us about what you were doing in the photos / videos
  6. Select Public if you’d like your evidence to be included on the DISPLAY pageSelect Private if you don’t want anyone else to see your evidence (except the KAP team, of course)
  7. Confirm your evidence adheres to GDPR
  8. Confirm you own the copyright for all of the content you are uploading
  9. If you are happy for KAP and Common Seas to use your evidence for publicity purposes, please select this tick box
  10. Finally, hit SUBMIT to send your evidence for KAP to verify, or Save Draft to save your post to work on at a later date
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    Please carefully complete the form below to sign your school onto the Plastic Clever School Challenge.

    Note: If the form contains any errors, we will not receive it.