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Walk around the Block – Plastic Clever School Campaign

To shout it out and promote 'Less Plastic is Fantastic' and 'Save our Seas, Save our Planet' our whole school took part in the Plastic Clever Campaign from Nursery who learned all about reusing and recycling through a variety of fun activities, Reception who learned about taking care of our environment and dangers of plastic to KS1 and KS2 who created banners, signs and posters then embarked on a walk around the block to spread the word and inspire our neighbours and local community to go on the same journey we have and phase out single use plastics for good!

We have linked our learning to our Science and PSHE subjects especially as we learned about sustainability and taking care of our environment. We planned the walk as a celebration of World Ocean Day 2024. Some of the year groups researched and found out about the dangers and devastating effects of plastic on our oceans. 

The children enjoyed setting off chanting the slogans such as 'Don't drop litter, put it in the bin', 'Litter Less',  'Save our Planet',  'Recycle and Re-use'.  They loved being part of something so big. They loved that they are part of the solution, of making a positive difference.  It was a great day! We took action and we did it together as one!

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